
Vaccine Discovery Platform
GlyProVac is a pre-clinical biotech platform developing new bacterial subunit vaccines using its patented BEMAP technology.


Antimicrobial Resistance
GlyProVac addresses the need for new bacterial vaccines to combatthe growing silent pandemic of antimicrobial treatment resistance.


Novel BEMAP Technology
Starting with E. coli-based infections like UTIs, GlyProVac’s BEMAP platform is an engine for creating novel bacterial vaccines.


Using proprietary technologies to combat antibiotic resistance

In GlyProVac ApS we aim to design and develop novel, efficient bacterial vaccine candidates based on our proprietary platform technology BEMAP. Using BEMAP, we have revealed that both benign as well as disease causing bacteria such as E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Shigella. extensively modify their proteins with distinct sugar molecules, known as O-linked glycosylations. These modifications drastically influence the topology of the protein and are particularly well recognized by the human immune response.

Antibiotics resistance (AMR) is one of the biggest health challenges of the 21st century, compromising our ability to treat even simple infections. In 2050, 10 million people are expected to die yearly from untreatable microbial infections. New solutions are urgently needed, and vaccines offer a safe alternative to antibiotics.

Based on our paradigm changing discovery we believe inclusion of these modifications are crucial for the development of efficient bacterial vaccines. We are currently establishing PoC for this novel bacterial vaccine concept in Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) caused by E. coli with the GlyProVac antigen GPV02. GPV02 holds pan E. coli vaccine potential of not only UTIs, but also diarrhoea, neonatal sepsis and the severe infections associated with Healthcare associated UTIs.


The novel BEMAP Technology

The GlyProVac BEMAP technology is a powerful sample enrichment method based on mass spectrometry, which allows comprehensive identification of any type of O-linked protein glycosylation. BEMAP is an extension of an SDU proprietary method, which was originally developed for enrichment of phosphopeptides. The BEMAP reaction efficiently substitutes O-linked carbohydrate moieties with a 2-aminoethyl phosphonic acid (AEP) group using base-catalysed β-elimination followed by Michael addition of the tag, thus allowing for selective peptide isolation using titanium dioxide.

Using BEMAP we have discovered that bacterial O-linked glycosylation is much more extensive than previously thought (see table below) and is especially important to Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) compared to the commensal E. coli counterpart.

The bacterial monosaccharide building blocks are absent from eukaryotic cells and thus constitute a distinguishing feature of bacteria with important roles in pathogenesis. Most, if not all the protein-based vaccines produced nowadays are produced in the non-pathogen bacterium, thereby disregarding the site-specific O-linked glycosylation.

We believe that O-linked glycoproteins are an emerging reservoir of attractive targets for antimicrobial intervention.

Conventional vs. GlyProVac Antigens

Conventional bare protein backbone antigen

GlyProVac antigen with native O-glycosylations

Funding Achievements

Private Placements

2023: GlyProVac raised 627,000 EUR (4.7 mil. DKK) in private placement from current and new investors. In the same round, and due to the forced closure of Syddansk Innovation (SDI) as a Danish innovation environment, SDI and the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science sold the majority of their shares, mainly to existing shareholders.
2021: GlyProVac raised 530,000 EUR (4.0 mil. DKK) in equity funding through business angel investments. In addition, to the new group of investors, which count Allan Rosetzsky and Hans Christian Bukkehave, existing investor Niels Herman Kristiansen also took part in this private placement.
2020: GlyProVac secured 574,000 EUR (4.3 mil. DKK) in a combination of equity investments from founders, SDI and business angel Niels Herman Kristiansen combined with a COVID-19 syndication loan from Growth fund Denmark.
2018: GlyProVac ApS is founded and owned by Anders Boysen backed by Science Ventures Denmark (SVD) and personal investments from co-founder Ann Zahle Andersen and co-inventors of the original BEMAP technology, Jakob Møller-Jensen, Martin Røssel Larsen and Giuseppe Palmisano. In 2018 GlyProVac ApS received equity funding from Syddansk Innovation (SDI) and Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science (previously SIU).

Non-dilutive Grants

2024: Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Biopharmaceutical Accelerator (CARB-X). is awarding GlyProVac 467,000 US$ to develop a maternal vaccine that targets Escherichia coli (E. coli), a bacterial species that causes a large portion of neonatal sepsis infections in the project: GPV02 Towards a Pan E. coli Vaccine.
2023: Horizon Europe - Eurostars. 250,000 EUR in support of the three-year development project titled “UTOPIA - UTI Targeting O-linked glycosylated antigen Potency and Integrity Assays”. The project is performed in a consortium of SMEs Spectralys (Brussels, BE) and Litevax (Oss, NL) and Odense University Hospital, Duration: April 2024 - March 2027.
2023: Innovation Fund Denmark, InnoBooster program. 95,000 EUR in support of the 7 months project “In vivo afprøvning i patientrelevant dyremodel – Proof of Business for E. coli vaccine kandidat” with Odense University Hospital/University of Southern Denmark as knowledge providers.
2022: Innovation Fund Denmark, InnoBooster program. 63,000 EUR in support of the five months development project titled ”Udvikling af bredspektret bakteriel vaccinekandidat – In vivo PoC valideret dyremodel” with Odense University Hospital/University of Southern Denmark as knowledge providers.
2021: Horizon Europe - Eurostars – 300,000 EUR in support of the three-year development project titled “SVEET - Sugar-modified Vaccine Epitopes; Exploration and Translation”. The project is performed in a consortium of SME Epitopic (Leipzig, DE), Fraunhofer IZI (Leipzig DE) and University of Southern Denmark, Duration: April 2021 - April 2024.
2020: Innovation Fund Denmark, InnoBooster program. 53,000 EUR for the nine months development project titled “Udvikling af bredspektret bakteriel vaccinekandidat – det vigtige valg af dyremodel”, with Odense University Hospital/University of Southern Denmark as knowledge providers.
2018: Innovation Fund Denmark, InnoBooster program. 161,000 EUR for the two-year development project titled “GlyProVac - Bacterial glycoprotein antigens for vaccine development in collaboration with two departments (Mass spectrometry and Microbiology) at university of Southern Denmark.


Intellectual Property

> Glycosylated YghJ polypeptides from enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), filing date 06-10-2016, publication number 3359559 (Europe) and 10,647,749 (USA). Granted in Belgium, Germany, Denmark, France, UK, Italy and USA. Independent claims granted in relation to Composition of matter and Medical use claims.

> Glycosylated YghJ polypeptides from enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), filing date 06-10-2016, publication number 11/655,274, Granted in USA. Independent claims granted in relation to BEMAP Method

> Glycosylated YGHJ full length vaccine, unpublished PCT application

Intellectual property owned or licensed by GlyProVac is managed by Plougmann Vingtoft.


Scientific Advisory Board

PhD Lou Bourgeois – Vaccine development and policies in LMIC settings

Senior Associate at the Center for Immunization Research, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (USA). Previously Science Officer for Enteric and Diarrheal Diseases in PATH’s, Center for Vaccine Innovation and Access. Expertise in bacterial vaccine development for LIMC settings. Interest and experience in global and local policies governing development and use of vaccines targeting infectious diseases.

MD and PhD Kurt Hanevik – Clinical Immunology & Clinical Studies

Professor at Department of Clinical Science, Bergen University (NO), specialist in infectious diseases with experience in international humanitarian aid. Research focus on infectious diseases immunology and vaccines in a global health perspective.

PhD Marc Andersen - Biostatistics and Clinical Research

Founder and owner of Quercus Data and Statistics (DK). Previously statistician at Statens Serum Institut, Genmab and Lundbeck. Independent consultant since 2007 providing support for pharmaceutical and biotech companies.
